Here we show you some useful phrases to make your communication smoothly in Japanese and Spanish 😉 Especially we are introducing polite phrases for Japanese which you can use them at the professional occasion.

Please practice them by yourself before you come to WaiWai language meet up, then let’s talk various topics with others!

Could you say that again?

JP: もう一度(いちど)言(い)っていただけますか?
ES: ¿Puedes decirlo otra vez?

How do you say ○○○ in English?

JP: ○○は英語(えいご)でなんといいますか?
ES: ¿Cómo se dice ○○○ en inglés?

What does ○○○ mean?

JP: ○○は何(なん)という意味(いみ)ですか?
ES: ¿Qué significa?

Could you speak slowly? 

JP: すみません。もっとゆっくり話(はな)していただけますか?
ES: ¿Puedes hablar más despacio?

Use those phrases at the meet up and talk with us more and more!